Friday, November 20, 2009

BOOKS TO AVOID (Even Under Penalty of Death)

NOTE: I did not list any James Patterson books since it should be obvious you need to avoid Patterson. If not, I order to stop reading the blog IMMEDIATELY.

AMERICAN PSYCHO by Brett Easton Ellis
Sick and badly written. A cruel and vicious book. Anyone who is in a relationship with Mr. Ellis needs to re-think their decision. There are not words strong enough to describe how bad this book is.

COLD MOUNTAIN by Charles Fraizer
Quite simply, one of the worst books of the past decade. It is a great example of the group think among today's university-driven literary community and publishing industry. The book is sophomoric in style, using purple phrases with awkward flourishes that most English 101 instructors give you a failing grade if you used them. It is also a great example of a major problem in today's publishing industry - an author has a wild success with a bad book, so he is given a huge amount of money to produce an even worse book. Thirteen Moons.

FINNEGAN'S WAKE by James Joyce.
It's a classic, right? Yes, classic shit. The last section of the novel consists of 24,212 words and two sentences. Yes, you read that correctly, two sentences and 24,000 words! Enough said.

GRAVITY'S RAINBOW by Thomas Pynchon

The 11 members of the Pulitzer Prize committee were on the right track when they described the book as "unreadable, turgid, overwritten and obscene." They were actually being nice.

THE MAGUS by John Fowles
Self-important and full of 1960ish mysticism and oblique literary games. AWFUL!

The great actor Peter Sellers was once asked, "If you had a chance to live your life over again, what would you do differently?" Sellers answered, " I would not read "The Magus."

Amen, Peter.  

by Alexandra Ripley
Granted, this was a no-win idea from the get-go. Hell, even the title is ridiculous. But the book turned out to be boring, boring, boring. And the other "approved" book, Rhett Butler's People fares no better.

STATE OF FEAR by Michael Crichton
First of all, forget all the political yammering around this novel, and it's claims for "scientific authenticity." IT'S BAD AND BORING! Crichton has never been on anyone's list of good writers; his prose is clumsy and his characterizations are TV depth (hence all the successful movies and TV shows made from his writings).

THE SHANNARA BOOKS (all of them!) by Terry Brooks
How awful, boring and BAD are these books? Pauly Shore bad. Michael Bolton awful. What is frightening is how many have been published. As of this moment there are fourteen Shannara novels. Mr. Brooks ... have mercy! Take a vacation!!!!

The result of a self-important (and often good) writer thinking that because he is an "important artist" he could write a better hard-boiled mystery than those two-bit hacks like Hammet, Chandler and MacDonald. Hey Norman, you lose ... by a long shot!

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